Buzzee Days!

Through sunshine and flowers, or rain and storms, may your days all be buzzy and fill you with warmth. Keep Smiling!!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Strawberry fields forever!!

Today was a big day.  We all went on a family picnic to Hahndorf and then went strawberry picking at the Beerenberg Farm.  This was so much fun.  I did take my camera along but being in a mad rush this morning to get my place ready for an open inspection today, and then a mad rush out of the door I left the memory card at home. DOH!  The good news is you can buzz over to for pics of the day.  Fortunately mamie girl was more prepared for snaps than I was.  You can also see a picture of me with my strawberries and my unusually pouty lips (I don't know what went on there, maybe they were all plumped up at the sight of the berries LOL)
Anyhow I did manage to take a photo of the ruby red and extremely sweet little jewels when we got home.
Stay tuned in the next few days I will be making a delicious strawberry gelato.....yum
Keep smiling, enjoy the rest of the weekend Buzzee xx


  1. That sounds like a fun and PRODUCTIVE way to spend a weekend! I might have to take my family up there. Although they would have eaten them all before we got them home! Yum...
    Thanks for your lovely comment on my post too by the way!
    Megs :)

  2. I love berry picking, we do it every year! I had a look at the photos, it looks like so much fun and you look gorgeous! The picnic sounds lovely too, Hahndorf is a lovely spot. Rachaelxx
