Fruit to boot !!
My nectarines |
my lotsa lemons (no lemons as yet!) |
I have had this thing lately for miniature fruit trees which can be kept in pots. I bought myself one called lotsa lemons, and also a miniature nectarine tree (YUM) which are both in pots. I am so surprised at the fact that I have not killed them and they seem to be doing really well. The nectarine even bearing quite a bit of fruit already.
Out the back even though I have limited space every year I have planted tomatoes, and this year I have had the best results ever. At the moment I have about 17 tomatoes ripening up nicely and just as many flowers ready to fruit. Home grown fruit is so much tastier than what you can buy. I would love an apricot tree and then I could make my own jam. Mmmmmm