Buzzee Days!

Through sunshine and flowers, or rain and storms, may your days all be buzzy and fill you with warmth. Keep Smiling!!

Bees in the garden

Fruit to boot !!

My nectarines

my lotsa lemons (no lemons as yet!)
Now, I would not consider myself a green thumb by any means, however in the last year or so I have managed to get some prettiness into my small but tidy garden.  I can't wait to move to a bigger hive (yes, my hive is on the market)  so that I will be able to have a bigger garden that I can potter in even more.
I have had this thing lately for miniature fruit trees which can be kept in pots.  I bought myself one called  lotsa lemons, and also a miniature nectarine tree (YUM) which are both in pots.  I am so surprised at the fact that I have not killed them and they seem to be doing really well.  The nectarine even bearing quite a bit of fruit already.
Out the back even though I have limited space every year I have planted tomatoes, and this year I have had the best results ever.  At the moment I have about 17 tomatoes ripening up nicely and just as many flowers ready to fruit.  Home grown fruit is so much tastier than what you can buy.  I would love an apricot tree and then I could make my own jam.  Mmmmmm