Buzzee Days!

Through sunshine and flowers, or rain and storms, may your days all be buzzy and fill you with warmth. Keep Smiling!!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

No news is good news!

So they say "No news is good news" and that is definitely true in my case.  So much has happened here in the past few weeks.  The big news.......drumroll please............................................................................
I HAVE SOLD MY HOUSE!   Yippee, hooray, I am so excited.
We only have a month to go before we move out and into my beautiful new home, so life is hectic here, packing boxes and organising everything for the big move.
Another thing that has made me happy is my first attempt at re-vamping a little stool that I got for $2.00 at a garage sale two weeks ago.  I have been totally inspired lately by Meg (from Meg and Mum's blog)  and after picking this little stool up so cheap I was determined to create my first little project.  The lady that I bought the stool from said that it had already been re-upholstered, but it was definitely tired and in need of a brand new look. So here is my creation.  Hopefully the first of many.  Thanks for the inspiration Meg xx
Take care, keep smiling

Nice little stool, a bit tired, and not!

paintwork, was a bit dull and rusty.

The paint on the legs had seen better days too.


much more me, and so shiny

Turn your head on the side or this one sorry

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

My thoughts are with you.

Today, I sit here and think about everything that I am truly grateful for.  I think about my friends, my family, my home, my stuff and the really nice life that I really do have, and I sit here, helpless as a cyclone is causing havoc in my beautiful country, and I think of all the lives that are affected and the helplessness that they must be feeling, and I feel that my every day concerns are nothing compared with what these people are going through.  It's amazing how something such as this can put everything into perspective.  I love the way the whole country comes together to help out strangers.
After the floods recently I was amazed at the stories I heard of the lengths that people go to, to help their fellow Aussies.  My mum saw her cousin at a shop afterwards stocking up on kilos of pet food, she said it had occured to her that lots of people were being helped, but we musn't forget the animals.  Amazing.
Anyway, my thoughts and prayers are with everyone there (human or animal) and just know that this will pass and you have the rest of Australia has "got your back"

My thoughts are also, today with my brother, who is in hospital having an operation.  Take it easy and get lots of rest.  xxxx

Bye for now, buzzee